Tuesday, August 10, 2010

If I could

Hello, My name is Elsa and I am from Laredo,Texas. I am really looking for someone with a warm and loving heart to help me financially. It has been some years that I have been struggling, ever since I had a brother very sick 150 miles from Laredo. We had to travel every week stay in hotels because we do not have anyone there. And believe me it drained us and my pocket too. But, what can I do it was my brother it took 3 years like that till he just could no longer hang on and passed away. Ever since than my life has been just getting into more loans to pay another and I just can't take it anymore. My check is gone and left with no money for bills, food, loans,car payment etc. After 2 years of my brothers death my mother had a pulmonary ambolism which I had to be off from work, my husband he is a custodian and has had 3 knee surgeries and the last one a total knee replacement and he needs back surgery as 1 of his disks is broken. The doctor wants to place him on disability but, he knows if he stops working we will loose everything, so he just puts up with the pain as for me I need my second knee surgery and am afraid to have it, as my husband did not have very good results. I am afraid not to be able to walk as much as i do, I have to look after my mother after work. I have a lot of bills and loans from payday loans to personal loans which are killing me. I have tried getting a bank loan to pay everything but it is impossible. Have tried to get a debt consolidation and the payments are too high. I still have to pay the payday loans and my cars. Well I guess I have already told you almost all of my problems. I would really appreciate any kind hand to help me get out of these nightmare that my husband and I are passing through.
Thank You

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